Source code for lightplane.misc_utils

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, List, Tuple

import numpy as np
import torch

[docs] def assert_shape(x: torch.Tensor, shape: Tuple[int, ...]): """ Helper function to assert the shape of a tensor. Args: x: Input tensor. shape: Expected shape of the input tensor. """ assert x.shape == shape, f"expected shape {shape}, got {x.shape}"
[docs] def flatten_grid(grid: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Flattens a list of grids (grid-list) into a single 2D tensor, and return the grid sizes. Args: grid: List of grids to flatten. Returns: grid_flat: Flattened grid, 2D tensor. grid_sizes: Grid sizes, List[List[int]] """ device = grid[0].device grid_sizes = torch.stack( [torch.tensor(g.shape, dtype=torch.int32, device=device) for g in grid], dim=0, ).contiguous() grid_flat = [g.reshape(-1, g.shape[-1]) for g in grid], dim=0, ).contiguous() return grid_flat, grid_sizes
[docs] def unflatten_grid( grid: torch.Tensor, grid_sizes: torch.Tensor ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]: """ Unflattens a 2D tensor into a list of grids (grid-list), given the grid sizes. Args: grid: Flattened grid, 2D tensor. grid_sizes: Grid sizes, e.g. `grid_sizes = torch.tensor([[1, 32, 32, 32, 64]])` Returns: grid_list: List of grids. List[torch.Tensor, ...] """ grid_list_flat = grid.split( [grid_size[:-1].prod() for grid_size in grid_sizes], dim=0, ) grid_list = [ grid_flat.reshape(*grid_size) for grid_flat, grid_size in zip(grid_list_flat, grid_sizes) ] return tuple(grid_list)
[docs] def if_not_none_else(x: Any, y: Any) -> Any: """If x is not None, return x, else return y.""" return x if x is not None else y
[docs] def pad_feature_to_block_size(feature: torch.Tensor, block_size: int) -> torch.Tensor: """ Pads the feature to a multiple of block size, similar to pad_to_block_size in `Ray` Class. Args: block_size: Block size to pad to. """ n_rays = feature.shape[0] n_blocks = (n_rays + block_size - 1) // block_size n_rays_padded = n_blocks * block_size - n_rays if n_rays_padded > 0: pads = [0] * (feature.ndim * 2) pads[-1] = n_rays_padded feature = torch.nn.functional.pad(feature, pads, mode="constant", value=0.0) return feature
[docs] def is_in_bounds(points: torch.Tensor) -> torch.BoolTensor: """ Check if the points are within the bounds of [-1, 1] in all dimensions. """ return (points.abs() <= 1.0).all(-1, keepdim=True)
def _check_list_grid_sizes(grid: List[torch.Tensor], grid_sizes: List[List[int]]): """ Helper function to check if the size of `grid` are consistent with `grid_sizes`. Args: grid: List of grids. grid_sizes: List of grid sizes. """ for i in range(len(grid)): assert_shape(grid[i], tuple(grid_sizes[i])) def check_grid( grid: List[torch.Tensor] | torch.Tensor, grid_sizes: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None, ): """ Helper function to check the shape of `grid` and `grid_sizes`. If `grid` is a list, it checks if the shape of each grid in the list is the same as the corresponding shape in `grid_sizes`, if `grid_sizes` is not None. If `grid` is a 2D tensor, it checks (1) if the `grid_sizes` are specified, and (2) total number of elements in `grid` is equal to the sum of the product of each grid size in `grid_sizes`. """ if isinstance(grid, list): if grid_sizes is not None: _check_list_grid_sizes(grid, grid_sizes) elif isinstance(grid, torch.Tensor): assert grid_sizes is not None, "grid_sizes cannot be None when grid is a tensor" assert ( sum([ for gs in grid_sizes]) == grid.numel() ), "grid_sizes has to be compatible to grid tensor shapes!" else: raise NotImplementedError("grid should be either tensor or list") return grid, grid_sizes
[docs] def check_grid_and_color_grid( grid: List[torch.Tensor] | torch.Tensor, color_grid: List[torch.Tensor] | torch.Tensor | None, grid_sizes: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None, color_grid_sizes: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None, ): """ Helper function to check the shape of `grid` and `grid_sizes`, as well as `color_grid` and `color_grid_sizes`. It checks the following: 1) `grid` and `color_grid` should have the same type if `color_grid` is not `None`. 2) `grid` and `color_grid` should have the same batch size and feature dimension if `grid` is a list. 3) `grid_sizes` and `color_grid_sizes` should be compatible with the shapes of `grid` and `color_grid` respectively. """ if color_grid is not None: assert type(grid) == type( color_grid ), "grid and color_grid should have the same type" if isinstance(grid, list): if color_grid is not None: assert all( cg.shape[0] == g.shape[0] for cg, g in zip(color_grid, grid) ), "color_grid's batch size should be the same as grid's batch_size" assert all( cg.shape[-1] == g.shape[-1] for cg, g in zip(color_grid, grid) ), "color_grid's feature dimension should be the same as grid's feature dimension" if color_grid_sizes is not None: _check_list_grid_sizes(color_grid, color_grid_sizes) if grid_sizes is not None: _check_list_grid_sizes(grid, grid_sizes) elif isinstance(grid, torch.Tensor): assert grid_sizes is not None, "grid_sizes cannot be None when grid is a tensor" assert ( sum([ for gs in grid_sizes]) == grid.numel() ), "grid_sizes has to be compatible to grid tensor shapes!" if color_grid is not None: assert ( color_grid_sizes is not None ), "color_grid_sizes cannot be None when color_grid is a tensor" assert ( sum([ for gs in color_grid_sizes]) == color_grid.numel() ), "grid_sizes has to be compatible to grid tensor shapes!" else: raise NotImplementedError("grid should be either tensor or list") return grid, color_grid, grid_sizes, color_grid_sizes
[docs] def process_and_flatten_grid( grid: List[torch.Tensor] | torch.Tensor, color_grid: List[torch.Tensor] | torch.Tensor | None, grid_sizes: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None, color_grid_sizes: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None, ): """ Helper function to process and flatten the `grid` and `color_grid`. If `grid` is a grid-list, it flattens the grid-list into a single 2D tensor, and return the grid sizes in the tensor form. If `grid` is a tensor, it converts the `grid_size`s into tensor form. If `color_grid` is not None, it processes and flattens the `color_grid` in the same way as `grid`. """ if isinstance(grid, list): if color_grid is not None: color_grid, color_grid_sizes = flatten_grid(color_grid) else: color_grid, color_grid_sizes = None, None grid, grid_sizes = flatten_grid(grid) elif isinstance(grid, torch.Tensor): grid_sizes = torch.tensor(grid_sizes, device=grid.device, dtype=torch.long) if color_grid is not None: color_grid_sizes = torch.tensor( color_grid_sizes, device=grid.device, dtype=torch.long ) else: raise NotImplementedError("grid should be flatten either tensor or list") return grid, color_grid, grid_sizes, color_grid_sizes