Source code for lightplane.naive_renderer

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import random
from typing import Optional, Tuple

import torch
from torch.utils.checkpoint import checkpoint

from .misc_utils import check_grid_and_color_grid, is_in_bounds, unflatten_grid
from .mlp_utils import DecoderParams, flattened_decoder_params_to_list
from .ray_utils import Rays
from .triton_src.shared.const import MIN_BLOCK_SIZE
from .triton_src.shared.rand_util import int_to_randn_naive

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)



[docs] def lightplane_renderer_naive( rays: Rays, grid: tuple[torch.Tensor, ...] | torch.Tensor, decoder_params: DecoderParams, # ------ config keys ------ num_samples: int, gain: float, mask_out_of_bounds_samples: bool = False, num_samples_inf: int = 0, contract_coords: bool = False, inject_noise_sigma: float = 0.0, inject_noise_seed: int | None = None, disparity_at_inf: float = 1e-5, scaffold: torch.Tensor | None = None, color_grid: tuple[torch.Tensor, ...] | torch.Tensor | None = None, grid_sizes: list[list[int]] | None = None, color_grid_sizes: list[list[int]] | None = None, triton_num_warps: int = -1, # ignored, but kept for compatibility with triton api triton_block_size: int = -1, # ignored, but kept for compatibility with triton api regenerate_code: bool = False, # ignored, but kept for compatibility with triton api checkpointing: bool = False, # whether or not use pytorch checkpoint for MLP eval ): r""" This is the naive implementation of the Lightplane Renderer (`lightplane_renderer`), which gives the same numeric results as the Triton implementation with less memory efficiency. It is useful for debugging and understanding the Triton implementation. It outputs the the final color `c`, negative_log_transmittance `T_N` and the expected ray-termination length `r` (analogous to depth) of each ray's pixel. Its arguments are the same as the Triton implementation in `lightplane_renderer`. Additionally, it could work using `torch.torch.utils.checkpoint` by setting `checkpointing=True` Args: rays: The rays to render features. It is an instance of `Rays`, including `directions`, `origins`, `grid_idx`, `near`, `far`, and `encoding`. `grid_idx` indicates the batch index of the 3D grid to sample features from:: x_i =[i] + (rays.near[i] + delta_i) * rays.direction[i] grid: Grid-list (a list of 3D grids) to sample features from. Features are sampled from each 3D grid in the set and summed up as the final feature. `grid` contains `N` tensors, each with the shape:: [[B, D_1, H_1, W_1, C], ... , [B, D_N, H_N, W_N, C]] Each tensor must have 5 dimensions and all tensors should have the same batch size `B` and feature dimension `C`. Example: If `grid` is a single Voxel grid:: grid = [torch.tensor([B, D, H, W, C])] If `grid` is a triplane:: grid = [ torch.tensor([B, 1, H, W, C]), torch.tensor([B, D, 1, W, C]), torch.tensor([B, D, H, 1, C]), ] `lightplane_renderer` can also work with `grid` as a 2D tensor, which is a stacked tensor from the grid-list `grid`, with the shape `[sum_(i=1..N)(B * D_i * H_i * W_i), C]`. In this case, the `grid_sizes` must be provided to specify the shape of each grid. The 2D tensor can be obtained from `lightplane.flatten_grid(grid)` to flatten the list of tensors and to also obtain the `grid_sizes` argument. This is useful for improving memory-effciency when grid-list is giant since we internally flatten the grid-list to a 2D tensor. decoder_params: The parameters of the decoder, including the MLP parameters of `trunk_mlp`, `color_mlp`, and `opacity_mlp`. num_samples: The number of sampling points along the ray. The samples are equispaced between `rays.near` and `rays.far`. More specifically, the j-th 3d point `x_ij` along `i-th` ray is defined as follows:: x_ij =[i] + (rays.near[i] + j * delta_i) * rays.direction[i], where: delta_i = (rays.far[i] - rays.near[i]) / num_samples gain: A constant to scale the transmittance:: T_i = exp(-gain * sum_{j=1}^{i} o(x_ij) * delta_i) num_samples_inf: The number of background samples along the ray. The first background sample is placed at `rays.far`, and the samples are spaced in the disparity space until reaching the disparity of `disparity_at_inf`. More specifically, the j-th background 3d point `b_ij` along `i-th` ray is defined as follows:: b_ij =[i] + (rays.far[i] + j * bg_delta_ij) * rays.direction[i], where: bg_delta_ij = 1 / disparity_ij disparity_ij = linspace(1, disparity_at_inf, num_samples_inf)[j] These samples are additional to `num_samples`, i.e. the total number of samples along a ray is `num_samples + num_samples_inf`. mask_out_of_bounds_samples: Whether to mask samples that fall outside the [-1, 1] cube (does not apply when contraction with `contract_coords` is enabled). contract_coords: Whether to map the coordinates of the splatted points to always fall into the [-1, 1] cube. The contraction is implemented as in MeRF [1]:: x[k] if |x|_inf <= 1 contract(x)[k] = x[k] / |x|_inf if x_k != |x|_inf > 1 (2 - 1/x[k]) x_k / |x_k| if x_k = |x|_inf > 1 Note: The contraction is useful for representing unbounded scenes. E.g. outdoor captures where the scene extends to infinity. disparity_at_inf: The disparity value at infinity. inject_noise_sigma: The variance of opacity noise to inject. inject_noise_seed: The seed of the random noise to inject. scaffold: A voxel grid with shape `[B, D, H, W]`, indicating the occupancy of the 3D space. If provided, the renderer will only render the points that are not empty in the scaffold. color_grid: Another grid-list (a list of 3D grids) storing color features. If provided, the renderer will regress the color from features sampled from `color_grid`, using `color_mlp`. Similar to `grid`, `color_grid` could also be a 2D tensor with `color_grid_sizes` provided. `color_grid` should be the same type as `grid`. grid_sizes: It specifies the size of `grid`. It is optional when `grid` is a grid-list, but required when `grid` is a 2D tensor. Example:: grid_sizes = [[B, D_1, H_1, W_1, C], ... , [B, D_N, H_N, W_N, C]] color_grid_sizes: It specifies the size of `color_grid` when `color_grid` is a 2D tensor. It is optional when `color_grid` is a grid-list, but required when `color_grid` is a 2D tensor. Example:: color_grid_sizes = [[B, D_1, H_1, W_1, C], ... , [B, D_N, H_N, W_N, C]] regenerate_code: Ignored, but kept for compatibility with triton api. triton_block_size: Ignored, but kept for compatibility with triton api. triton_num_warps: Ignored, but kept for compatibility with triton api. checkpointing: Whether or not use `torch.utils.checkpoint` for checkpointing. Returns: ray_length_render: The rendered ray-termination length `r` (i.e. distance along the ray). negative_log_transmittances: The negative log transmittances of the ray. feature_render: The expected features of the ray. References: [1] MERF: Memory-Efficient Radiance Fields for Real-time View Synthesis in Unbounded Scenes, """ grid, color_grid, grid_sizes, color_grid_sizes = check_grid_and_color_grid( grid, color_grid, grid_sizes, color_grid_sizes ) # if grid is flatten tensor, we need to unflatten them to 5-dim tensor so # that pytorch can interpolate on them. # unflatten use split operations, which should use no addtional memories as # it creats tensor view instead of allocating memories. if isinstance(grid, torch.Tensor): grid_sizes_tensor = torch.tensor( grid_sizes, device=grid.device, dtype=torch.long ) grid = unflatten_grid(grid, grid_sizes_tensor) if color_grid is not None: color_grid_sizes_tensor = torch.tensor( color_grid_sizes, device=color_grid.device, dtype=torch.long ) color_grid = unflatten_grid(color_grid, color_grid_sizes_tensor) device = rays.device num_rays = rays.directions.shape[0] lsp = torch.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num_samples).to(device) depths = rays.near[:, None] + lsp[None, :] * (rays.far - rays.near)[:, None] tot_num_samples = num_samples + num_samples_inf if inject_noise_seed is None: if inject_noise_sigma > 0.0: inject_noise_seed = int(random.randint(0, 1000000)) else: inject_noise_seed = 0 if inject_noise_sigma > 0.0: inject_opacity_noise = _get_sample_randn( tot_num_samples, num_rays, device, inject_noise_seed, ) inject_opacity_noise = inject_opacity_noise * inject_noise_sigma else: inject_opacity_noise = None if num_samples_inf > 0: sph = torch.stack( [ _depth_inv_sphere(rays.far, disparity_at_inf, num_samples_inf, step) for step in range(num_samples_inf) ], dim=-1, ) depths =[depths, sph], dim=-1) points = depths[..., None] * rays.directions[:, None] points = points +[..., None, :] delta_one = ( (rays.far - rays.near) / (num_samples - 1) if num_samples > 1 else torch.ones_like(rays.near) ) delta =[delta_one[:, None], depths.diff(dim=-1)], dim=-1) if VERBOSE: print("near") print(rays.near) print("far") print(rays.far) print("depths") print(depths) print("delta") print(delta) print("centers") print( # if checkpointing: # opacity, color = checkpoint( # lightplane_eval_mlp, # *( # samples, # grid, # rays.grid_idx, # decoder_params, # rays.encoding, # gain, # mask_out_of_bounds_samples, # inject_opacity_noise, # scaffold, # color_grid # ), # use_reentrant=False # ) # else: opacity, color = lightplane_eval_mlp( points, grid, rays.grid_idx, decoder_params, rays.encoding, # ..., C gain, mask_out_of_bounds_samples=mask_out_of_bounds_samples, inject_opacity_noise=inject_opacity_noise, scaffold=scaffold, color_grid=color_grid, checkpointing=checkpointing, contract_coords=contract_coords, ) delta_opacity = opacity * delta delta_opacity = torch.nn.functional.pad(delta_opacity, (1, 0)) negative_log_transmittances = torch.cumsum(delta_opacity, dim=-1) transmittance = torch.exp(-negative_log_transmittances) rweights = -transmittance.diff(dim=-1) if VERBOSE: print("weight") print(rweights) ray_length_render = (depths * rweights).sum(dim=-1) feature_render = (color * rweights[..., None]).sum(-2) negative_log_transmittance = negative_log_transmittances[..., -1] if decoder_params.color_chn < feature_render.shape[-1]: feature_render = feature_render[..., : decoder_params.color_chn] return ( ray_length_render, negative_log_transmittance, feature_render, )
def lightplane_eval_mlp( points: torch.Tensor, # R x N x 3; packed with ray_grid_idx grid: tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], ray_grid_idx: torch.Tensor, decoder_params: DecoderParams, rays_encoding: torch.Tensor, gain: float, mask_out_of_bounds_samples: bool = False, inject_opacity_noise: torch.Tensor | None = None, scaffold: torch.Tensor | None = None, color_grid: tuple[torch.Tensor, ...] | None = None, checkpointing: bool = False, # whether or not use pytorch checkpoint for MLP eval contract_coords: bool = False, ) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: assert points.ndim >= 3 ( weights_trunk, biases_trunk, weights_opacity, biases_opacity, weights_color, biases_color, ) = flattened_decoder_params_to_list( decoder_params.mlp_params, decoder_params.n_hidden_trunk, decoder_params.n_hidden_opacity, decoder_params.n_hidden_color, ) if VERBOSE: print("w_trunk") for w in weights_trunk: print(w) print("b_trunk") for b in biases_trunk: print(b) if contract_coords: points = _contract_pi(points) feature_sampled = sample_grid_list_checkpointed( grid, points, ray_grid_idx, mask_out_of_bounds_samples, checkpointing=checkpointing, ) if color_grid is not None: feature_sampled_color = sample_grid_list_checkpointed( color_grid, points, ray_grid_idx, mask_out_of_bounds_samples, checkpointing=checkpointing, ) else: feature_sampled_color = None if VERBOSE: print("feature_sampled") print(feature_sampled) if feature_sampled_color is None: # we have a single feature grid feature_trunk = _eval_mlp( feature_sampled, weights_trunk, biases_trunk, mlp_name="trunk", checkpointing=checkpointing, ) feature_trunk = torch.relu(feature_trunk) if VERBOSE: print("feature_trunk") print(feature_trunk) opacity_raw = _eval_mlp( feature_trunk, weights_opacity, biases_opacity, mlp_name="opacity", checkpointing=checkpointing, ) if VERBOSE: print("opacity_raw") print(opacity_raw) ray_feature_trunk = feature_trunk + rays_encoding[:, None] if VERBOSE: print("ray_feature_trunk") print(ray_feature_trunk) log_color = _eval_mlp( ray_feature_trunk, weights_color, biases_color, mlp_name="color", checkpointing=checkpointing, ) if VERBOSE: print("log_color") print(log_color) else: # we use a relu right after sampling (i.e. a relu-field) feature_sampled = torch.relu(feature_sampled) feature_sampled_color = torch.relu(feature_sampled_color) ray_feature_sampled_color = feature_sampled_color + rays_encoding[:, None] if VERBOSE: print("feature_sampled") print(feature_sampled) print("feature_sampled_color") print(feature_sampled_color) assert len(weights_trunk) == 0 assert len(biases_trunk) == 0 opacity_raw = _eval_mlp( feature_sampled, weights_opacity, biases_opacity, mlp_name="opacity", checkpointing=checkpointing, ) if VERBOSE: print("opacity_raw") print(opacity_raw) log_color = _eval_mlp( ray_feature_sampled_color, weights_color, biases_color, mlp_name="color", checkpointing=checkpointing, ) if VERBOSE: print("log_color") print(log_color) assert opacity_raw.shape[-1] == 1 opacity_raw = opacity_raw[..., 0] if inject_opacity_noise is not None: if VERBOSE: print("inject_opacity_noise") print(inject_opacity_noise) opacity_raw = opacity_raw + inject_opacity_noise opacity = gain * torch.nn.functional.softplus(opacity_raw) # TODO: allow for output without activation feature_out = torch.sigmoid(log_color) if scaffold is not None: scaffold_value = sample_grid_list_checkpointed( (scaffold[..., None],), points, ray_grid_idx, True, mode="nearest", checkpointing=checkpointing, ) if VERBOSE: print("scaffold_value") print(scaffold_value) prev_opacity = opacity opacity = opacity * scaffold_value[..., 0] feature_out = feature_out * scaffold_value return opacity, feature_out def lightplane_eval_mlp_opacity_only( points: torch.Tensor, # R x N x 3; packed with ray_grid_idx grid: tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], ray_grid_idx: torch.Tensor, decoder_params: DecoderParams, gain: float, mask_out_of_bounds_samples: bool = False, inject_opacity_noise: torch.Tensor | None = None, scaffold: torch.Tensor | None = None, checkpointing: bool = False, # whether or not use pytorch checkpoint for MLP eval contract_coords: bool = False, ) -> torch.Tensor: assert points.ndim >= 3 ( weights_trunk, biases_trunk, weights_opacity, biases_opacity, weights_color, biases_color, ) = flattened_decoder_params_to_list( decoder_params.mlp_params, decoder_params.n_hidden_trunk, decoder_params.n_hidden_opacity, decoder_params.n_hidden_color, ) if VERBOSE: print("w_trunk") for w in weights_trunk: print(w) print("b_trunk") for b in biases_trunk: print(b) feature_sampled = sample_grid_list_checkpointed( grid, points, ray_grid_idx, mask_out_of_bounds_samples, checkpointing=checkpointing, ) if VERBOSE: print("feature_sampled") print(feature_sampled) # we have a single feature grid feature_trunk = _eval_mlp( feature_sampled, weights_trunk, biases_trunk, mlp_name="trunk", checkpointing=checkpointing, ) feature_trunk = torch.relu(feature_trunk) if VERBOSE: print("feature_trunk") print(feature_trunk) opacity_raw = _eval_mlp( feature_trunk, weights_opacity, biases_opacity, mlp_name="opacity", checkpointing=checkpointing, ) if VERBOSE: print("opacity_raw") print(opacity_raw) assert opacity_raw.shape[-1] == 1 opacity_raw = opacity_raw[..., 0] if inject_opacity_noise is not None: if VERBOSE: print("inject_opacity_noise") print(inject_opacity_noise) opacity_raw = opacity_raw + inject_opacity_noise opacity = gain * torch.nn.functional.softplus(opacity_raw) if scaffold is not None: scaffold_value = sample_grid_list_checkpointed( (scaffold[..., None],), points, ray_grid_idx, True, mode="nearest", checkpointing=checkpointing, ) if VERBOSE: print("scaffold_value") print(scaffold_value) opacity = opacity * scaffold_value[..., 0] feature_out = feature_out * scaffold_value return opacity def sample_grid_list_checkpointed( grid: tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], points: torch.Tensor, # B x N x 3 grid_idx: torch.Tensor, # B mask_out_of_bounds_samples: bool, mode="bilinear", checkpointing=False, ) -> torch.Tensor: # B x N x C if checkpointing: return checkpoint( _sample_grid_list, *(grid, points, grid_idx, mask_out_of_bounds_samples, mode), use_reentrant=False, ) else: return _sample_grid_list( grid, points, grid_idx, mask_out_of_bounds_samples, mode ) def _sample_grid_list( grid: tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], points: torch.Tensor, # B x N x 3 grid_idx: torch.Tensor, # B mask_out_of_bounds_points: bool, mode="bilinear", ) -> torch.Tensor: # B x N x C used_grids = grid_idx.unique() batch_to_idx = [torch.where(grid_idx == i)[0] for i in used_grids] points_list = [points[idx] for idx in batch_to_idx] points_padded = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence( points_list, batch_first=True, ) sampled_padded = sum( _sample_one_grid( g[used_grids], points_padded, mask_out_of_bounds_points, mode=mode, ) for g in grid ) assert sampled_padded.shape[:-1] == points_padded.shape[:-1] sampled_list = torch.nn.utils.rnn.unpad_sequence( sampled_padded, torch.tensor([len(l) for l in batch_to_idx]), batch_first=True, ) if VERBOSE: print("points") print(points) sampled = torch.zeros( points.shape[0], points.shape[1], sampled_list[0].shape[-1], device=points.device, dtype=points.dtype, ) sampled[] =, dim=0) return sampled def _sample_one_grid( g: torch.Tensor, points: torch.Tensor, mask_out_of_bounds_samples: bool, mode: str ): assert g.ndim == 5, "We support only B x D x H x W x C grids for now." n_non_singular_dim = sum(int(s > 1) for s in g.shape[1:-1]) if n_non_singular_dim == 3: # 3d voxel grid sampled = torch.nn.functional.grid_sample( g.permute(0, 4, 1, 2, 3), points[..., None, :], align_corners=False, mode=mode, # mode="nearest", )[..., 0].permute(0, 2, 3, 1) elif n_non_singular_dim == 2: # triplane singular_dim = [i for i, s in enumerate(g.shape[1:-1]) if s == 1][0] if singular_dim == 0: plane = "xy" elif singular_dim == 1: plane = "xz" elif singular_dim == 2: plane = "yz" else: raise ValueError() sample_coords = ["xyz".index(c) for c in plane] sampled = torch.nn.functional.grid_sample( g.squeeze(singular_dim + 1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2), points[..., sample_coords], align_corners=False, mode=mode, ).permute(0, 2, 3, 1) # if True: # debug, TODO: move to separate test # _, ID, IH, IW, _ = g.shape # mask_ = (torch.tensor([IW, IH, ID], device=points.device) > 1).float() # points_ = points * mask_ # sampled_ = torch.nn.functional.grid_sample( # g.permute(0, 4, 1, 2, 3), # points_[..., None, :], # align_corners=False, # mode=mode, # )[..., 0].permute(0, 2, 3, 1) # assert torch.allclose(sampled, sampled_, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5) if VERBOSE: print(f"sampled {plane}[0]:") print(sampled[0]) else: raise ValueError( f"Unexpected n non-singulare dim of input grid ({n_non_singular_dim})" ) if mask_out_of_bounds_samples: in_bounds_mask = is_in_bounds(points) sampled = sampled * in_bounds_mask.float() return sampled def _eval_mlp( vec: torch.Tensor, weights: tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], biases: tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], mlp_name: str = "", checkpointing: bool = False, ): if checkpointing: return _eval_mlp_checkpointing(vec, weights, biases, mlp_name) else: return _eval_mlp_org(vec, weights, biases, mlp_name) def _eval_mlp_checkpointing( vec: torch.Tensor, weights: tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], biases: tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], mlp_name: str = "", ): return checkpoint( _eval_mlp_org, *(vec, weights, biases, mlp_name), use_reentrant=False ) def _eval_mlp_org( vec: torch.Tensor, weights: tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], biases: tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], mlp_name: str = "", ): n_l = len(weights) assert n_l == len(biases) for l in range(n_l): vec = vec @ weights[l] + biases[l] if VERBOSE: if mlp_name == "trunk" and l == 0: print(weights[l]) print(biases[l]) print(f"x{l}@w+b") print(vec[0]) if l < n_l - 1: vec = torch.relu(vec) return vec def _get_sample_randn( num_samples, num_rays, device, inject_noise_seed, ): num_rays_pad = max(num_rays, MIN_BLOCK_SIZE) i1 = ( num_samples * torch.arange(num_rays, device=device)[:, None] + torch.arange(num_samples, device=device)[None] + 1 ).long() i2 = i1 + num_rays_pad * num_samples r = int_to_randn_naive(i1.reshape(-1), i2.reshape(-1), inject_noise_seed) return r.reshape(num_rays, num_samples) def _contract_pi(x): n = x.abs().max(dim=-1).values[..., None] x_contract = torch.where( n <= 1.0, x, torch.where( (x.abs() - n).abs() <= 1e-7, (2 - 1 / x.abs()) * (x / x.abs()), x / n, ), ) return x_contract / 2 def _depth_inv_sphere(far, disparity_at_inf, n, step): frac_step = (step + 1) / n n_disp = (disparity_at_inf - 1) * frac_step + 1 return far * (1 / n_disp)