Source code for lightplane.renderer_module

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import logging
from dataclasses import asdict
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from .lightplane_renderer import lightplane_renderer
from .misc_utils import if_not_none_else
from .mlp_utils import (
from .naive_renderer import (
from .ray_utils import (

[docs] class LightplaneRenderer(torch.nn.Module):
[docs] def __init__( self, num_samples: int, color_chn: int, grid_chn: int, mlp_hidden_chn: int, mlp_n_layers_opacity: int = 2, mlp_n_layers_trunk: int = 2, mlp_n_layers_color: int = 2, use_separate_color_grid: bool = False, opacity_init_bias: float = -5.0, gain: float = 1.0, bg_color: tuple[float, ...] | float = 0.0, enable_direction_dependent_colors: bool = True, ray_embedding_num_harmonics: int | None = 3, num_samples_inf: int = 0, mask_out_of_bounds_samples: bool = False, contract_coords: bool = False, disparity_at_inf: float = 1e-5, inject_noise_sigma: float = 0.0, inject_noise_seed: int | None = None, rays_jitter_near_far: bool = False, return_log_transmittance: bool = False, triton_block_size: int = 16, triton_num_warps: int = 4, use_naive_impl: bool = False, ) -> None: r""" This is the Pytorch Module for the Lightplane Renderer. It uses `lightplane_renderer` as the core function for rendering and automatically initialize the parameters for the MLPs used in the renderer. Args: num_samples: Number of samples to render. color_chn: Number of channels for the rendererd color. grid_chn: Number of channels for the 3D grid to be rendered. mlp_hidden_chn: Number of hidden channels for all MLPs. mlp_n_layers_opacity: Number of layers for `opacity_mlp`. mlp_n_layers_trunk: Number of layers for `trunk_mlp`. mlp_n_layers_color: Number of layers for `color_mlp`. use_separate_color_grid: Whether using a separate grid-list for colors. opacity_init_bias: Initial bias for `opacity_mlp`. gain: `gain` for the `lightplane_renderer`. bg_color: Background color. enable_direction_dependent_colors: Enable ray-direction dependent rendering. ray_embedding_num_harmonics: Level of harmonic functions for ray-direction embedding. Setting ray_embedding_num_harmonics=0 will only use the ray direction as the ray encoding. A value bigger than 0 will append the harmonic embedding to the ray direction. Finally, setting ray_embedding_num_harmonics=None will use the ray `encoding` field from the `Rays` object input to forward. num_samples_inf: Number of samples beyond the far plane. mask_out_of_bounds_samples: Whether to mask out-of-bounds samples. contract_coords: Whether to contract the coordinates as in MeRF. disparity_at_inf: The beyond-far samples (their number-per-ray is determined by `num_samples_inf`) are sampled in the disparity space in `range[far, 1 / disparity_at_inf]`. inject_noise_sigma: Standard deviation of the opacity noise to inject. inject_noise_seed: Seed for the opacity noise to inject. rays_jitter_near_far: Whether to jitter the near and far planes uniformly in range `[-delta, delta]`. return_log_transmittance: Whether to return the log transmittance instead of the `[0, 1]` alpha mask. use_naive_impl: Whether to use the naive pytorch implementation instead of triton. triton_block_size: Block size for triton. triton_num_warps: Number of warps for triton. """ super().__init__() self.num_samples = num_samples self.opacity_init_bias = opacity_init_bias self.gain = gain self.color_chn = color_chn self.num_samples_inf = num_samples_inf self.mask_out_of_bounds_samples = mask_out_of_bounds_samples self.contract_coords = contract_coords self.disparity_at_inf = disparity_at_inf self.inject_noise_sigma = inject_noise_sigma self.inject_noise_seed = inject_noise_seed self.rays_jitter_near_far = rays_jitter_near_far self.triton_block_size = triton_block_size self.triton_num_warps = triton_num_warps self.use_naive_impl = use_naive_impl self.return_log_transmittance = return_log_transmittance self.enable_direction_dependent_colors = enable_direction_dependent_colors self.ray_embedding_num_harmonics = ray_embedding_num_harmonics if use_separate_color_grid: if mlp_n_layers_trunk > 0: logger.warning( "Auto-setting mlp_n_layers_trunk=0 because a separate feature grid" " for colors is used (use_separate_color_grid=True)." ) mlp_n_layers_trunk = 0 decoder_params = init_decoder_params( device="cpu", n_layers_opacity=mlp_n_layers_opacity, n_layers_trunk=mlp_n_layers_trunk, n_layers_color=mlp_n_layers_color, input_chn=grid_chn, hidden_chn=mlp_hidden_chn, color_chn=color_chn, opacity_init_bias=opacity_init_bias, pad_color_channels_to_min_block_size=True, use_separate_color_grid=use_separate_color_grid, ) # ray encoding dim is the same as the input channels for the color MLP self.rays_encoding_dim = decoder_params.n_hidden_color[0] self.mlp_params = torch.nn.Parameter(decoder_params.mlp_params) if self.ray_embedding_num_harmonics is not None: if not self.enable_direction_dependent_colors: raise ValueError( "LightplaneRenderer's viewpoint dependent colors are disabled," " (enable_direction_dependent_colors=False), but" " `ray_embedding_num_harmonics` is set. Set" " LightplaneRender.ray_embedding_num_harmonics = None" " if you intended to disable viewpoint dependent colors." ) # initialize the embedder of ray directions color_branch_input_chn = decoder_params.n_hidden_color[0].item() self.harmonic_ray_embedding_linear = torch.nn.Linear( calc_harmonic_embedding_dim(self.ray_embedding_num_harmonics), color_branch_input_chn, ) # xavier init of the ray encoding linear layer torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.harmonic_ray_embedding_linear.weight) # register the n_hidden_XXX fields of decoder_params for field_name, fields in asdict(decoder_params).items(): if field_name != "mlp_params" and isinstance(fields, torch.Tensor): self.register_buffer(field_name, fields, persistent=False) self.register_buffer("bg_color", self._process_bg_color(bg_color))
[docs] def eval_decoder_at_points( self, pts: torch.Tensor, pts_to_grid_idx: torch.Tensor, rays_encoding: torch.Tensor | None, feature_grid: tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], color_feature_grid: tuple[torch.Tensor, ...] | None = None, scaffold: torch.Tensor | None = None, # If set, the following args override the module's default values: gain: float | None = None, mask_out_of_bounds_samples: bool | None = None, contract_coords: bool | None = None, directions: torch.Tensor | None = None, ) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: r""" Evaluates the MLP at the given points. Args: pts: Points to evaluate the MLP at, shape `[n_rays, n_pts, 3]`. pts_to_grid_idx: The grid index of each point, long tensor of shape `[n_pts, ]`. rays_encoding: Ray encoding for each point. feature_grid: feature grid. color_feature_grid: color feature grid. scaffold: `scaffold` for the MLP. gain: `gain` for the `lightplane_renderer`. mask_out_of_bounds_samples: Whether to mask out-of-bounds samples. contract_coords: Whether to contract the coordinates as in MeRF. directions: Per-ray viewing directions `[n_rays, 3]`; can be passed instead of `rays_encoding`. """ n_rays, n_pts, pts_dim = pts.shape assert pts_dim == 3 assert pts_to_grid_idx.shape == (n_rays,) if rays_encoding is not None: assert rays_encoding.shape == [n_rays, self.rays_encoding_dim] else: assert ( directions is not None ), "Must pass one of (rays_encoding, directions)" assert directions.shape == (n_rays, 3) return lightplane_eval_mlp( points=pts, grid=feature_grid, ray_grid_idx=pts_to_grid_idx, decoder_params=self.get_decoder_params(), rays_encoding=self._get_ray_encoding(rays_encoding, directions), gain=if_not_none_else(gain, self.gain), contract_coords=if_not_none_else(contract_coords, self.contract_coords), mask_out_of_bounds_samples=if_not_none_else( mask_out_of_bounds_samples, self.mask_out_of_bounds_samples, ), inject_opacity_noise=None, scaffold=scaffold, color_grid=color_feature_grid, )
[docs] def get_decoder_params(self) -> DecoderParams: r""" Helper function to get the `DecoderParams` object from the module. """ return DecoderParams( self.mlp_params, self.n_hidden_trunk, self.n_hidden_opacity, self.n_hidden_color, color_chn=self.color_chn, )
[docs] def get_decoder_params_list(self) -> Tuple[ Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], ]: r""" Helper function to get the list of weight matrices and bias vectors of the MLPs in the renderer's decoder: Returns: weights_trunk: Weight matrices of the trunk MLP. biases_trunk: Bias vectors of the trunk MLP. weights_opacity: Weight matrices of the opacity MLP. biases_opacity: Bias vectors of the opacity MLP. weights_color: Weight matrices of the color MLP. biases_color: Bias vectors of the color MLP. """ return flattened_decoder_params_to_list( self.mlp_params, self.n_hidden_trunk, self.n_hidden_opacity, self.n_hidden_color, )
def _process_bg_color( self, bg_color: tuple[float, ...] | float | None ) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Helper function to process the background color. Args: bg_color: Background color. """ if bg_color is None: return self.bg_color if isinstance(bg_color, float): bg_color = torch.tensor([bg_color] * self.color_chn, dtype=torch.float) elif torch.is_tensor(bg_color): pass else: bg_color = torch.tensor(bg_color, dtype=torch.float) assert len(bg_color) == self.color_chn return bg_color
[docs] def eval_opacity_at_points( self, pts: torch.Tensor, pts_to_grid_idx: torch.Tensor, feature_grid: tuple[torch.Tensor, ...] | torch.Tensor, scaffold: torch.Tensor | None = None, # If set, the following args override the module's default values: gain: float | None = None, mask_out_of_bounds_samples: bool | None = None, grid_sizes: list[list[int]] | None = None, ): """ Calcualte the opacities at the given points. Args: pts: Points to evaluate at, shape `[n_rays, n_pts, 3]`. pts_to_grid_idx: The grid index of each point, long tensor of shape `[n_pts, ]`. feature_grid: Feature grid to render from. scaffold: `scaffold` for the MLP. gain: `gain` for the `lightplane_renderer`. mask_out_of_bounds_samples: Whether to mask out-of-bounds samples. grid_sizes: The size of the `feature_grid`. Only required if `feature_grid` is a 2D tensor. Returns: results: Opacities at the given points. `[n_rays, n_pts]`. """ n_rays, n_pts, pts_dim = pts.shape assert pts_dim == 3 assert pts_to_grid_idx.shape == (n_rays,) results = lightplane_eval_mlp_opacity_only( points=pts, grid=feature_grid, ray_grid_idx=pts_to_grid_idx, decoder_params=self.get_decoder_params(), gain=if_not_none_else(gain, self.gain), mask_out_of_bounds_samples=if_not_none_else( mask_out_of_bounds_samples, self.mask_out_of_bounds_samples, ), inject_opacity_noise=None, scaffold=scaffold, ) return results
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def calculate_scaffold( self, feature_grid: tuple[torch.Tensor, ...] | torch.Tensor, scaffold_size: tuple[int, int, int, int], # [B, D, H, W], device, threshold: float = 1e-7, grid_sizes: list[tuple[int, int, int, int, int]] | None = None, dilate_scaffold: int = 2, ): """ Calculate `scaffold` by sampling voxel grid with the shape of `scaffold_size` and prunning points whose opacities are below `threshold`. Args: feature_grid: Feature grid to render from. scaffold_size: The shape of `scaffold`. `scaffold` should be a voxel grid with the same batch size as `feature_grid`. Example:: scaffold_size = [B, D, H, W] device: Tensor device. threshold: The opacity threshold to prune points. grid_sizes: The size of the `feature_grid`. Only required if `feature_grid` is a 2D tensor. dilate_scaffold: Dilate opacities before thresholding to increase the extent of the occupied regions in the scaffold. """ samples = torch.stack( torch.meshgrid( torch.linspace(0, 1, scaffold_size[1]), torch.linspace(0, 1, scaffold_size[2]), torch.linspace(0, 1, scaffold_size[3]), ), -1, ).to( device ) # [D, H, W, 3] samples = samples.permute(2, 1, 0, 3) dense_xyz = samples * 2.0 - 1.0 scaffold = torch.ones( (scaffold_size[0], scaffold_size[1], scaffold_size[2], scaffold_size[3]), device=device, ) # [B, D, H, W, 3] for i in range(scaffold_size[0]): # B for j in range(scaffold_size[1]): sampled_results = self.eval_opacity_at_points( pts=dense_xyz[j], pts_to_grid_idx=( torch.ones((scaffold_size[2],), device=device) * i ).to(torch.long), feature_grid=feature_grid, scaffold=None, gain=self.gain, mask_out_of_bounds_samples=self.mask_out_of_bounds_samples, ) scaffold[i, j] = sampled_results # use a max_pool filter to dilate the scaffold if dilate_scaffold > 0: dilation_ks = dilate_scaffold * 2 + 1 scaffold = torch.nn.functional.max_pool3d( scaffold, kernel_size=dilation_ks, padding=dilate_scaffold, stride=1 ) scaffold = (scaffold > threshold) * 1.0 return scaffold
[docs] def forward( self, rays: Rays, feature_grid: tuple[torch.Tensor, ...] | torch.Tensor, color_feature_grid: tuple[torch.Tensor, ...] | None = None, scaffold: torch.Tensor | None = None, grid_sizes: list[list[int]] | None = None, color_grid_sizes: list[list[int]] | None = None, # If set, the following args override the module's default values: bg_color: tuple[float, ...] | float | None = None, num_samples: int | None = None, gain: float | None = None, num_samples_inf: int | None = None, mask_out_of_bounds_samples: bool | None = None, contract_coords: bool | None = None, disparity_at_inf: float | None = None, inject_noise_sigma: float | None = None, inject_noise_seed: int | None = None, rays_jitter_near_far: bool | None = None, return_log_transmittance: bool | None = None, regenerate_code: bool | None = None, ) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Execute rendering with Lightplane Renderer. Args: rays: `Rays` to render. feature_grid: Feature grid to render from. color_feature_grid: Color feature grid. If provided, the color will be rendered based on this grid. scaffold: `scaffold` for the MLP. grid_sizes: The size of the `feature_grid`. Only required if `feature_grid` is a 2D tensor. color_grid_sizes: The size of the `color_feature_grid`. Only required if `color_feature_grid` is a 2D tensor. bg_color: Background color. num_samples: Number of samples to render. gain: `gain` for the 'lightplane_renderer'. num_samples_inf: Number of samples beyond the far plane. mask_out_of_bounds_samples: Whether to mask out-of-bounds samples. contract_coords: Whether to contract the coordinates as in MeRF. disparity_at_inf: The beyond-far samples (their number-per-ray is determined by `num_samples_inf`) are sampled in the disparity space in `range[far, 1 / disparity_at_inf]`. inject_noise_sigma: Standard deviation of the opacity noise to inject. inject_noise_seed: Seed for the opacity noise to inject. rays_jitter_near_far: Whether to jitter the `near` and `far` planes uniformly in range [0, delta]. return_log_transmittance: Whether to return the log transmittance instead of the `[0, 1]` alpha mask. regenerate_code: Whether to regenerate the code for the lightplane. Returns: ray_length_render: The rendered ray length. alpha: The alpha mask, either in range `[0, 1]` if `return_log_transmittance=False` else real-valued log transmittance. feature_render: The rendered feature. """ device = rays.device # override the default class variables if input args are set bg_color = if_not_none_else(bg_color, self.bg_color) num_samples = if_not_none_else(num_samples, self.num_samples) gain = if_not_none_else(gain, self.gain) num_samples_inf = if_not_none_else(num_samples_inf, self.num_samples_inf) mask_out_of_bounds_samples = if_not_none_else( mask_out_of_bounds_samples, self.mask_out_of_bounds_samples ) contract_coords = if_not_none_else(contract_coords, self.contract_coords) disparity_at_inf = if_not_none_else(disparity_at_inf, self.disparity_at_inf) inject_noise_sigma = if_not_none_else( inject_noise_sigma, self.inject_noise_sigma ) inject_noise_seed = if_not_none_else(inject_noise_seed, self.inject_noise_seed) rays_jitter_near_far = if_not_none_else( rays_jitter_near_far, self.rays_jitter_near_far ) return_log_transmittance = if_not_none_else( return_log_transmittance, self.return_log_transmittance ) # handle bg color bg_color = self._process_bg_color(bg_color).to(device) # handle ray encoding _check_renderer_ray_encoding_input( rays.encoding, self.ray_embedding_num_harmonics, self.rays_encoding_dim, self.enable_direction_dependent_colors, ) rays_with_encoding = copy.copy(rays) # shallow copy for futher processing rays_with_encoding.encoding = self._get_ray_encoding( rays.encoding, rays.directions, ) if rays_jitter_near_far: rays_with_encoding.near, rays_with_encoding.far = jitter_near_far( rays_with_encoding.near, rays_with_encoding.far, num_samples, ) # run lightplane lightplane_fn = ( lightplane_renderer_naive if self.use_naive_impl else lightplane_renderer ) ray_length_render, negative_log_transmittance, feature_render = lightplane_fn( rays_with_encoding, feature_grid, self.get_decoder_params(), # ------ config keys ------ num_samples=num_samples, gain=gain, num_samples_inf=num_samples_inf, mask_out_of_bounds_samples=mask_out_of_bounds_samples, contract_coords=contract_coords, disparity_at_inf=disparity_at_inf, inject_noise_sigma=inject_noise_sigma, inject_noise_seed=inject_noise_seed, regenerate_code=regenerate_code, scaffold=scaffold, color_grid=color_feature_grid, grid_sizes=grid_sizes, color_grid_sizes=color_grid_sizes, triton_block_size=self.triton_block_size, triton_num_warps=self.triton_num_warps, ) # convert neg log transmittance to alpha mask in range [0, 1] inverted_mask = torch.exp(-negative_log_transmittance) # apply the bg color feature_render = feature_render + inverted_mask[..., None] * bg_color # determine whether we return the mask or log-transmittance if return_log_transmittance: alpha = -negative_log_transmittance else: alpha = 1 - inverted_mask return ray_length_render, alpha, feature_render
def _get_ray_encoding( self, ray_encoding: torch.Tensor | None, directions: torch.Tensor | None ) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Helper function to get the ray encoding. """ if ray_encoding is not None: assert not self.enable_direction_dependent_colors assert self.ray_embedding_num_harmonics is None return ray_encoding return self._get_ray_embedding(directions) def _get_ray_embedding(self, ray_directions: torch.tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Helper function to get the ray embedding. If `self.enable_direction_dependent_colors` is set to `False`, we use a zero ray encoding tensor. Otherwise, we use the harmonic embedding of the ray directions as the ray embedding. Ray embedding is used in `color_mlp` to render the color. """ if not self.enable_direction_dependent_colors: # if not using ray encoding, we use a zero ray encoding tensor return ray_directions.new_zeros( ray_directions.shape[0], self.rays_encoding_dim, ) else: assert self.ray_embedding_num_harmonics is not None harmonic_embed = calc_harmonic_embedding( torch.nn.functional.normalize(ray_directions, dim=-1), self.ray_embedding_num_harmonics, ) return self.harmonic_ray_embedding_linear(harmonic_embed)
def _check_renderer_ray_encoding_input( ray_encoding: torch.Tensor | None, ray_embedding_num_harmonics: int | None, ray_encoding_dim: int, enable_direction_dependent_colors: bool, ): if ray_encoding is not None and ray_encoding.shape[1] != ray_encoding_dim: raise ValueError( f"Ray encoding has a wrong dimension." f" Expected: {ray_encoding_dim}, got: {ray_encoding.shape[1]}" ) if not enable_direction_dependent_colors: if ray_encoding is not None: raise ValueError( "LightplaneRenderer's viewpoint dependent colors are disabled, " " (enable_direction_dependent_colors=False), but the `encoding`" " field of `rays` is set. Make sure to set rays.encoding=None" " if you intended to disable viewpoint dependent colors." ) if ray_embedding_num_harmonics is not None: raise ValueError( "LightplaneRenderer's viewpoint dependent colors are disabled," " (enable_direction_dependent_colors=False), but the" " `ray_embedding_num_harmonics` parameter of `LightplaneRenderer` is set." " Make sure to set LightplaneRender.ray_embedding_num_harmonics = None" " if you intended to disable viewpoint dependent colors." ) return if not ( (ray_embedding_num_harmonics is not None and ray_encoding is not None) or (ray_embedding_num_harmonics is None and ray_encoding is None) ): return if ray_encoding is None: err_msg = ( "rays.encoding is unset (=None), but the Lightplane module is" " not configured to compute harmonic ray embeddings" " (self.ray_embedding_num_harmonics is unset = None)." ) else: err_msg = ( "rays.encoding is set, but the Lightplane module is configured to" " aslo compute harmonic ray embeddings" " (self.ray_embedding_num_harmonics is set)." ) raise ValueError( err_msg + ( " Please chose one of the following: \n" " 1) If you wish the lightplane module to compute the ray embeddings," " set self.ray_embedding_num_harmonics to an appropriate integer " " and set the `rays.encoding` field of the `rays` object to None." " 2) If you wish to use your own ray embeddings (rays.encoding)," " set rays.encoding to a [n_rays, ray_encoding_dim] tensor, " " and also set the ray_embedding_num_harmonics field of the Lightplane" " module to None." ) )